fren 2024 (+216) 71 973 111 - 71 976 111 (+216) 71 971 666 B.P. N° 1 - 2015 Le Kram - TUNIS - TUNISIE

The Exhibition

The concept

Within the framework of cooperation between the Islamic Center for the Development of Trade (ICDT) and the Ministry of Trade and Export Development of the Republic of Tunisia, the two parties have decided to undertake operational activities aimed at promoting trade and investments among the OIC Member States, with a view to achieving the objectives of the Ten-Year Program of Action (2016-2025) of the Organization of Islamic Cooperation (OIC), adopted by the 13th Summit Conference of the OIC, held in April 2016 in Istanbul – Republic of Turkey, aiming to raise the share of intra-OIC trade in the overall trade of Member States to 25% by 2025. In this regard, and in accordance with the resolutions of the 38th Ministerial Session of the Standing Committee for Economic and Commercial Cooperation of the OIC (COMCEC), held in November 2022 in Istanbul – Republic of Turkey, the Islamic Center for the Development of Trade (ICDT) and the Société des Foires Internationales de Tunis is organizing under the aegis of the Ministry of Trade and Export Development of the Republic of Tunisia, the 10th edition of the Halal Expo Tunisia Fair at the Kram Exhibition Center in Tunis.

The objectives of this Fair are:

  • To promote products and services related to the Halal industry
  • To enable players in the Halal sector to promote their products and services through a trade show
  • Enable decision makers and experts to exchange their experiences on the Halal industry
  • Develop partnership and strategic alliances between actors of the Halal sector in the OIC Member States
  • Facilitate the dissemination of information on intra-OIC supply and demand for products and services related to the sectors covered by the Fair
  • Create a platform for meetings between professionals
  • Develop intra-OIC investments in the field
  • Facilitate access to innovative products for stakeholders and know-how in the field of new techniques related to the Halal industry
  • Generate "business" contacts, and connect manufacturers and service providers with all players in the Halal Industry


This Exhibition is open to the participation of the 57 Member States of the Organization of Islamic Cooperation (OIC), to the institutions of the OIC, and to the various economic, public and private operators of Islamic countries.

May also take part in this exhibition, States having observer status within the OIC (Bosnia-Herzegovina, Central African Republic, Kingdom of Thailand, Russian Federation, Turkish State of Northern Cyprus), economic operators Islamic communities from non-member countries as well as guests of honour.

Exhibition sectors:


Food and beverage industry


Cosmetics and personal care

Halal Tourism

Halal Tourism




Texitile et modest fashion




HALAL certification bodies

Certification and Accreditation Bodies


Advertising and media


Machinery and manufacturing process


Halal industry logistics




An extensive marketing and promotion program designed to foster the most conducive business-to-business environment between exhibitors and key decision makers in the plastic industry in of the Euro-Mediterranean area in the Maghreb and in Africa. A media plan and promotional actions at the national level and particularly in the Maghreb, in Africa and in all the member countries of the Organization of Islamic Cooperation (OIC) are planned for this purpose and are based on:

  • Launching of a vast information and sensitization campaign through the written and audiovisual media both in the host country and in the Member States in collaboration with the Union of News Agencies of the Member States of the OIC ( production of a catalogue, brochures, leaflets, daily bulletins, special "Tijaris" magazine, Website)
  • A written and audiovisual press campaign
  • A direct marketing campaign aimed at professionals in the halal industry
  • An advertising campaign in magazines and specialized national, regional and international websites
  • The creation and promotion of a website dedicated to the event


The 10th edition of the Halal Expo Tunisia Fair is organized under the aegis of the Ministry of Trade and Export
Development of the Republic of Tunisia and in collaboration with the Société des Foires Internationales de Tunis, the Islamic Center for the Development of Commerce (CIDC), and in partnership with the Center for the Promotion of Exports


Under the patronage